Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A is for Apple

This is a picture of my children watching Sesame Street (It could be argued that Heather would fit into that sentence without much of a stretch...hee hee). Emery has a Sesame Street DVD featuring Elmo learning about shapes and colors and he LOVES that thing. How much does he love it? He watched it 5 times in a row last Saturday, requesting to watch it again as soon as the credits started rolling (why not 6? 'cause while Daddy loves Sesame Street as much as the next 2 year old, his "Muppet tolerance level" has dropped significantly over the last 30 odd years). Still, it's nice to know that the same programs that kept me glued to the TV as a toddler (and older...I repeatedly ask for the first season of The Muppet Show on DVD for Christmas...sadly to no avail) hold sway over my children's imagination as well. If this pattern holds true to form, Emery and Emma will utter an uncontrollable gasp every time the General Lee takes on another impossible jump.

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