Monday, June 25, 2007

It's been a long, long time

No pics this time around, just updates...

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while (yeesh, has it been almost two months?). In a cost cutting move, Heather and I have turned off our cable and internet until we can get our finances more under control. So, I am now relying on the kindness of my sister to bring you updates on me and mine.

We got a new bed. My mother treated us to an early christmas present of brand new bedroom furniture (well, new to us anyway...a friend of hers was remodeling her house and my mother picked up her very, very nice bedroom furniture for a pretty sweet price). How nice is this furniture? I'll have pics later, but to give you an idea, the mattress on this puppy is thicker than our old mattress and box springs put together. Yeah, big.

Emery is picking up new words like a Hoover. You can't say anything you don't want to repeat because, without fail, he will (just ask Heather). He can count to 10 with some help, mostly get through his ABC's and will spell his name for you at the drop of a hat.

Emma is crawling now. Actually, she just started the "Army Man" crawl a few days ago and she's determined to make up for lost time. She made it from the living room to Emery's room in less than 2 minutes (it's about 20 feet all told). No words yet, but she's just dying to say "daddy", I can feel it.

Please read the previous post on my nephew. I encourage all of you to donate blood. And not just for him but for everyone. I donate twice a year, or at least try to. And if you are scared of needles, I think they have a new method where they just suck it out of your brain.

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