Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tea, anyone?

Emma got a tea set for Chrstmas. And she's starting lining up her baby dolls and "feeding" them. Sometimes, however, the baby dolls aren't hungry and she will seek out the next best thing, namely me (her brother will take the spoon from her and run). So I get to sit and let my daughter "feed me" from her tea set. She will stir her spoon around the cup, take it out, thrust it to my mouth and say, "Eat it." Of course, I must eat it as she will not take no for an answer. I had a mental image today of me sitting around a miniature table, having a tea party. Yes, it is fun to share in these experiences with my daughter. On the other hand, I sometimes wish she would develop an interest in playing Xbox like her brother.

1 comment:

annakalb said...

YAY!! I can't wait for tea parties with Jenna and all the stuffed animal friends!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!