Sunday, April 19, 2009

Coming out of the closet

I have a dirty little secret. I have tried to hide this secret for some time now, but I simply can not keep it to myself any longer. So, today, with my kids sitting on my lap, I came out of the closet. The "I'm a fan of Amy Winehouse" closet (what? you thought I was going to say I was gay? HAHAHAHAHA...I like women just a bit too much for that, dumbass). They play an Amy Winehouse song, "Back to Black", at work in the loop of canned music they pump through the speakers. And for some reason, that song really speaks to me. Anyhoo, today, I looked up some Winehouse videos on youtube and rocked out with the kids. Emery wasn't a big fan and went on to watch some TV. Emma and I rocked out for over an hour, however. She is quite the music lover. Her favorite song is "Rehab". She even sang along with the chorus after the 3rd time we played it. So, there it is. I've admitted it to the world that I am an Amy Winehouse fan. I'm sure that I will be shunned by friends and family for being an open Winehouse fan but I'm at peace because I'm finally honest with myself. Plus, my daughter approves of Daddy's choice in music.


Charmiebear said...

Yeah right Travis! Thats not all you need to "come out" about!

Unknown said...

Sorry to crash your blog! I came across it from another blog I read, Especially Evey. I normally dont comment on random blogs but had to tell you I enjoyed reading yours. your kids are beautiful and I commend you on being such a devoted father! ...not to mention some of your posts just cracked me up.

Anyway...just a random hello and keep up the good work : )
