Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So...today I became unemployed. Being unemployed isn't exactly earth shattering news, in this day's economy. No, it's pretty much old hat by now, almost passe. "What? You're just NOW becoming unemployed? Dude, that was so last year." But I wasn't let go (or canned, as I like to phrase it...sh*tcanned when I'm really in a mood). Nope, I was ter-muh-nat-ed. Am I going to delve into the details of the termination on this public forum? No (not until my lawsuit is over, anyway). But I will say that I was not at fault on this one. Didn't punch someone in the nose, didn't make fun of another employee's overweight mother, didn't even give someone a bad haircut. Let's just say it was corporate shenanigans (until my lawsuit is over, anyway. Then I'll spill the beans, pending a non-disclosure agreement).

Anyhoo, don't feel bad for me. As my mother said, "When God closes one door, He opens another." So, I'm out looking for my open door right now (well, not literally). But it is a bit discouraging, considering that under my watch the salon had it's best year on record, sales gains practically every day, an increasing clientele and very happy stylists. It's like "what do I have to do to get some respect around here?" But I'm moving on. Looking back is fine for high school reunions and reminiscing about old girlfriends, but I'm on to bigger and better things (I hope).

1 comment:

Michelle Bailey said...

sorry to hear about that but your right about the "doors" in our lives... congrats to a fresh start