Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

My kids embraced Halloween this year. They have been asking about it for at least two weeks. We made our usual trip to the mall for Halloween (it's indoors and much safer than wandering the streets).

I took Emma to the salon so I could fix her hair. My mom made her a Snow White costume and I wanted to make sure she looked the part. Their grandma came to help with sheparding the kids through the mall. Emery was Optimus Prime. Of course, he didn't want to wear his mask, so he just walked around with his costume on while I held the mask. They had fun though, as Emma proudly walked up to every person and said "Trick or Treat!" Emery just held out his bag (he even tried to sneak back in line a few times). I limited them to just a few pieces of candy so I didn't have to deal with hyper active children all night.

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