Sunday, November 15, 2009

Emma's 3rd Birthday

I always wanted a birthday party at McDonalds when I was a kid. So it was with some relish that I threw Emma a McDonalds birthday party. She has been looking forward to this for some time now. And she was VERY excited that it was at McDonalds (she loves chicken nuggets).

I invited all of her daycare class and none of them showed up. Fortunately, some friends brought their kids, so it wasn't another party with people she was related to. Having had no nap beforehand, she was a bit cranky to start the party, but quickly turned her frown upside down. She laughed and played and generally had a good time. Her favorite part of the party? Blowing out the candles. She has been asking me if she can blow out the candles on her birthday cake for at least two weeks.

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