Thursday, April 19, 2007

Playin' outside

There is a bit of irony to this picture but to appreciate it you need a bit of back story. When Emery was around Emma's current age, we tried to take him outside to play in the grass. He would literally scream every time we set him down. Daycare even mentioned it as they play outside when it's warm. He could be sitting on something outside and be fine, but the moment he touched the ground it was a complete change in demeanor. Fast forward about a year and its all we can do to keep him from running outside every chance he gets (sometimes he'll try to do this straight out of the bathtub, sans clothing or a diaper). Emery LOVES to play outside. And it's actually quite amusing to watch him play. He will walk along, picking at things in his path, then take off at a dead run like he was shot out of a cannon (the way he runs is also amusing...his left arm will swing rapidly but he'll keep his right arm perfectly still). Emery will do this at least 4 times in ten minutes. Fortunately, the weather has been accommodating to some serious outside play and we try to take advantage of it when we come home from daycare.

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