Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lost in Translation

This is my son, Emery Dewey Sweeten. Emery is named after my great-grandfather (both me and my grandfather share the same middle name). Emery is currently going through a rough patch, vocabulary wise. When asked a question, such as "Do you want some juice?", his response, without fail, is "No". Of course, he means "Yes" but will not say anything other than "No". He finally said "Yes" (or "Yesh") after about five minutes of prompting. The so-called experts say that one of a child's first words is "No" because they hear is so often, but in Emery's case, this is not true. If it were, he would be saying "Don't" or "Leave it alone" (I'm loathe to tell my child "No"...there are a host of psychological reasons for this, far too many to go into here). So I don't know where he got "No" (television maybe...his favorite show is "Spongebob Squarepants).

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