Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Beauty Hurts

Sometimes (okay, a lot of times) making yourself look beautiful hurts. Case in point here...The new class always gets a day to do some kind of chemical service (color, highlights, perms, etc) to their hair at no charge. Nikki, pictured above, decided that she wanted to do a water perm on her hair with some loop rods. As you can see, having these things in your hair is a situation rife with humor. What she didn't factor in was that when you take out loop rods (especially when said rods are rolled REALLY tight), it hurts. It hurts a lot. She actually had tears at one point. However, all that pain was worth it as her hair turned out looking really good. Unfortunately, a water perm only lasts a day or so, so if she wants to keep this look permanantly, she'll have to go through all of this again.

Remember, if you want to look good, sometimes you have to pay the price.

1 comment:

mar said...

Why is it called a "water perm"?