Tuesday, September 25, 2007


You know, this blogging thing can be hard. I try to come up with new and exciting things to post, things I think people would be interested in, but it's hard sometimes. I always have my camera with me, or try to anyway, in case something happens that I can get a digital snapshot of to post later. But I just don't lead that exciting of a life. I go to class, come home, play with my kids, get them ready for bed then chill out with a book or some 'Net surfing (Heather works mostly at night). Still, even with all of that, I love having this blog. I've slowly increased my readership to somewhere north of a dozen (I'm kidding...I think. I actually have no real idea who reads this blog beyond my family and a few friends). So, if you don't see a new post for a few days, don't stop coming back. I try to post something at least every 3-4 days, if not sooner, even if it is just a little monologue like this one.

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