Friday, September 21, 2007


I went to the dentist this morning (7 am this morning! yeah, I know) to have a cavity filled. I've only had one other cavity and that was when I was around 6 or so. The procedure itself was fairly easy and I made my usual jokes (I was there last week for a check up and the dentist & his assistants marveled at my soul patch, having no clue that there was actually a name for it. There was a new assistant this time and one of the first things he mentioned was my soul patch. Even though he's older than my mother, he's actually pretty cool). The fun started after I was finished. I went back home to pick up a few things and noticed that the anesthesia was kicking in big time. It went from numbing my right cheek to progressing across my mouth, so much so that I was literally re-enacting a Bill Cosby sketch (you know, water dribbling out the mouth and being unable to speak properly). I was a bit worried at first, but a call to the dentist assured me that it would fade shortly (although they did say to come back in if it didn't fade in about an hour...not exactly reassuring). I went to school and started in with what I hoped would be a good day. Hoped was the operative word. Even though the numbness had lessened, I still had to be cautious when I drank something or it dribbled out of my mouth. Add to that the fact that now that the anesthesia was wearing off, I was starting to FEEL my filling. And it HURT. Another call to the dentist calmed my fears (that and some Ibuprofen) but it didn't help me eat food (I have to chew on the left side of my mouth or it hurts) or drink anything with ice (I have to swallow carefully or the cold liquid hurts...don't even get me started on the instance of a stray piece of ice being crunched by the filling). And according to my dentist, I have another week or two before I'll be back to normal. Next time, I'll just have them pull the damn tooth.

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