Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A New Day is Hair

It was extreme makeover day and boy was it long! I have "graduated", as it were, to the floor, which means that I am now free to inflict all kinds of havoc on a real human being and their hair. The school lets us have a "free day", where we are allowed to give someone (or my case, two someones) a full range of services at no charge so that we can gain some practical time on the floor. Originally Heather was to be in class until after lunch so I offered my friend Anna some time in the morning for a haircut. However, Heather's schedule freed her up after 10:30 so she came along to watch (this would prove to be somewhat ominous for me...you'll see) Anna's haircut went off without a hitch, just an average haircut, adding some layering. Heather wanted to do something drastic, however, so I had looked over several styling books last week to come up with a good design and color scheme. All of that went for naught as Heather and my instructor Brandi threw out my color palette and decided on a whole new scheme. The cut that we had decided on stayed pretty much the same, an A-line cut (pretty much an updated version of the classic "bob cut"). I was itching to do an A-line as it's one of the more popular cuts today as well as one of the more technical. So, with Brandi watching over my shoulder, I started to work. If I only knew what I was getting into, I would have just trimmed her ends and cut some bangs. Your stylist might make cutting hair look easy, but there is A LOT that goes into it. Angles, hair growth patterns, overdirection cutting and razor cutting techniques are only a small part of the equation. However, it was worth it in the end as I got some much needed experience and Heather got her radical change. I'm posting some of the pictures taken during the process (mostly the coloring process as I was so engaged in getting the cut right that I didn't even think about having someone snap some pics until it was almost over). I'll post a final pic of the haircut later as she wanted a chance to properly style her hair.

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